
Peruse at your leisure.

Cookie Cutter Kingdom

I designed the logo and website for these guys in 2015. I had originally met them while I was at General Assembly, to create a 3D design tool for 3D printed tie clips (serious). They moved on to much bigger and better things after pivoting to cookie cutters!

Social Solutions

Among many little software tweaks, I was tasked with creating pretty feature flow diagrams for stakeholders.

Live and Leave Well

This was a freelance gig, wherein the client was working on building a combination product and service to provide doctors and their patients with a means to update and view end-of-life documentation. Included in this service, was a connection to health data networks; for instance, EMS personnel could look up an individual at an address before arriving to see if the individual had a Medical Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST), among many other important forms. They would then know how to treat that individual.